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Welcome to my ePortfolio

Intro to the Minor in Writing Gateway Course



My name is Alaina McQuillan and I am a junior at the University of Michigan studying Communications and Media with a double minor in Art & Design and Writing. I am a creative person who enjoys reading, singing with my a cappella group, making jewelry, baking scrumptious chocolate oat chip cookies, and of course, writing. Welcome to my ePortfolio!


This website serves as a portfolio for my work from the Introduction to the Minor in Writing Course. Throughout the course I was challenged to experiment with different genres of writing inspired by one origin piece of work I had previously done. My origin piece is a journal entry that I had written on my 20th birthday, reflecting on the many emotions that came with finally entering my 20s. Being a writer, I have kept journals my whole life and they are some of my most cherished possessions as records of my growth. From documenting losing a tooth, to middle school dances, to moving away for college, my life is scribbled onto paper in various diaries. I journal as a way to capture memories, and as a way to sort through my thoughts. I flipped through my many journals looking for inspiration at the start of this project, able to piece together memories and moments from my life that have shaped who I am today. Although the journal entry I chose as my origin piece sparked ideation for my writing experiments, a series of journal entries helped me to create this project. 


Ever since I was a child, I’ve been a sensitive person. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and as I’ve grown up and matured, I am still that emotional, empathetic girl that I’ve always been.  I am a sentimental, sweet, kind, and creative person thanks to my softness. Women are often told that they are “too much” for simply having these qualities, and stereotypically, emotions are considered a weakness. Although I used to look at myself in this negative light, I have grown more than I ever thought possible, and I now see myself as a strong woman.


For my project, I wanted to explore the experiences and feelings that are present in my journal entries. My experimentation consisted of free form poetry and flash essays- both genres quite unfamiliar to me at the start of my experiments. Although I enjoyed trying my hand at these forms of writing, I saw endless creative possibilities in the zine genre, which intrigued me. Further, reading through my journals, I observed my handwriting as it evolved from untidy and childish, to elegant and mature, and this was a turning point for me in my experimentation process. There was something about the progression of my handwriting that drew me into the physicality and uniqueness of it. As my penmanship has evolved throughout my life, so have I. Materiality, I decided, would be an interesting component to explore in addition to writing. In addition, what attracted me most to the zine genre is the freedom that the process gives the author. The thought of a project with seemingly endless creative possibilities excited me.


My fully realized project is an exploration of my growth from childhood to adulthood, reminiscing on my family, my home, and my life experiences. The zine consists of photographs, notes from loved ones, objects that hold great meaning to me, and writing. Overall, I hoped to capture the nostalgic, bittersweet feelings that I associate with growing up. Thank you for reading and please enjoy this small glimpse into my life.

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